Attendance Letters
8-day Absent Student List
Each morning a list is generated by Phoenix Learning's Emailer application that lists the students who have more than 8 days unexcused absent. This list is sent to the attendance counselor, the principal, and school secretary.
8-day Attendance Letter
The next email is the actual attendance letter. This is sent to the principal and school secretary to be printed and mailed to parents. The name and address of the student is populated in the letter from data in PowerSchool.
Attendance Letter Custom Page
When a student is given an attendance letter by PowerSchool, the date is entered in a custom field. Once the field has a date in it, it will not generate that letter again. If a student's attendance is changed from absent unexcused to absent excused this page needs to be checked. Removing the date for a letter allows the system to generate that specific letter for that student again.
Attendance Letter Page Code