Migrant Course History

The Migrant Course History Report is due every January and July. It contains all the classes grades 9-12 Migrant Ed students took, and their grades in those classes.

State Reporting has created a report that you can find in the State tab of System Reports. See the Alaska State Reporting Guide on PowerSource for information on how to set it up.

You need to follow the steps in the reporting guide carefully or you will not get any results in the report. Specifically, make sure you set the Migrant Final Store Code to the term you need to report (these steps are not well documented as of 2/20/15).

To create store codes you need to be in District mode, go to District Setup, then Schools/School Info. Click on a school, scroll down and click on Civil Rights Data Collection under Alaska State Reporting Information.

Scroll down again to 'School Part 2 Questions', click on Final Grade Store Codes.

What you see here is determined by the term you are in. If you entered store codes for a previous year or term you will only see them if you change your term. Click New to make a new store code.

At this time we have not yet had a chance to use this built-in report, we suggest that you verify it using Kyle's queries attached below. The CC query will give you results for students who dropped the class before they earned credit. The other query will only looks at stored grades.