
ASTE 2017 - PowerSchool - Plugins
  • AKPSUG-Reports - A tab in System Reports that has things like a grade book last updated report, D/F lists, chronic absenteeism, transfer students, and attendance counts.

  • AET Enrollment Notify - Emails specific addresses when enrollments or exits happen at schools.

  • AET Mass Print Student Screen - Allows you to print student pages for a selection of students.

  • Alaska Career Information System - Single sign-on from PowerSchool to AKCIS. Contact EED for information.

  • AutoSend/AutoComm Enhancement - Places checkboxes on the AutoComm and AutoSend pages for enabling/disabling from the list of reports.

  • Bell Schedule Prev-Next - Allows you go switch weeks on the student's bell schedule view page. Helpful with block scheduling and near term changes.

  • Chronic Absent Alert - Displays an alert on PS Admin student pages when a student misses 10% or more of the school year.

  • Counselor Dashboard - Combines multiple pages (Cumulative Info, Quick Lookup, etc.) onto one page for easy reference.

  • Current Grade Display - Displays an alert if the date is outside of a the term selected as the school's Current Grade Display setting.

    • Current Logins - Detailed logs about all users currently logged into PowerSchool. Very useful to review before taking the PowerSchool server down for an update.

  • Custom Fields Inspector - Details about old custom fields that have or have not been migrated to extended schema. Includes reports to find them on PS pages, autosends/autocomms, object reports, etc.

  • Custom Reports Bundle - Large number of pre-built reports on topics ranging from grades and attendance to transportation, health, and incidents.

  • District Search - Allows secretaries/registrars to see if a student has been enrolled in another school in the district before making a new student.

  • Extended Build Email Lists - Builds a comma separated list of student email addresses that can be copy/pasted from PS Admin or PowerTeacher.

  • Missing Assignments Pages - List of missing assignments (marked with the missing flag) for a student in PowerTeacher Pro and the student/parent portals.

  • Multi-Select - Make a student selection based on a list of ID numbers, state student IDs, etc.

  • Out-of-Sync Grades Alert - Warnings on PowerTeacher site, PowerSchool Admin teacher schedules and student pages when a previously stored grade is edited in a teacher's grade book.

  • PowerTools - Data cleanup utility. Great to run before OASIS files.

  • sqlReports - Allows you to save SQL reports on a System Reports tab for anyone to run.

  • Quick School - Shortcut buttons that replace the dropdown school menu with buttons.