SQL is a powerful tool that can help you pull information from PowerSchool's database. Below are some pre-written queries that can be used for generating reports or for gathering information for internal use. Several of these reports will need to be tweaked by you to properly display data from your custom fields or using your attendance codes. Make sure to read them and ask questions on the mailing list if you have any.

    • Absentee Report.sql - This is the Absentee Report you can find in System Reports. The author runs the query and sends the results to principals and secretaries daily so they can confirm attendance and ensure its validity.

    • Fall OASIS.sql - This query will generate the Fall OASIS report - last updated for the count period in Oct. 2013.

    • Migrant Course HIstory - cc query.sql and Migrant Course HIstory.sql - These two queries will generate the Migrant Course History report when the results are combined. One looks at stored grades, the other looks at the cc table for classes that may not have been completed at the semester.

    • Migrant Course History - custom fields to extended tables.sql - This query will look at the custom fields you set up to store course level data for the Course History Report and export that with appropriately named columns. You can then use the query's output in the Data Import Manager to upload it to the extended table created by State Reporting.

    • Summer OASIS query.sql - This query generates the Summer OASIS file. Last updated for the 2012-2013 school year.